Monday, June 27, 2011

Using to detect Adobe reader was installed,get version number and get installation path

Here is my sub routine to detect if Adobe acrobat reader was installed on my computer,how to get the version number and get the installation path.I search from the internet and made it as a sub routine.Hope it helps who need it.

Private Sub pathAdobeReader()
Dim path, adobe, acroRead As RegistryKey
adobe = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software").OpenSubKey("Adobe")
If adobe IsNot Nothing Then
acroRead = adobe.OpenSubKey("Acrobat Reader")
If acroRead IsNot Nothing Then
MsgBox("Acrobat Reader was installed")
Dim acroReadVersions As String() = acroRead.GetSubKeyNames()
For Each versionNumber As String In acroReadVersions
'get the version number
path = acroRead.OpenSubKey(versionNumber & "\InstallPath", False)
'get the path
Dim value As String = CType(path.GetValue(""), String)
MsgBox("Acrobat Reader was not installed")
End If
End If
End Sub

Monday, January 4, 2010

How to implement Nice and Clean Sliding Login Panel built with jQuery in Drupal

Hi all, i found out a Nice and Clean Sliding Login Panel by

Nice and Clean Sliding Login Panel

At first i wonder how to implement it in Drupal 6 ..

Here are the steps

1. Download the files from the provided example

2. Download the codes with the themes which i use in this case here
Sample files with the themes

3. You should see the login and registration form within the sliding panel if you're not logged in.
Like this

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Convert flv to mp3 in Ubuntu

Onced i wonder how to convert from FLV files to mp3..I search into ubuntuforums,and i found out the program called
PACPL..It use terminal to convert the files..You can download it here..
This is how to do the convert
In terminal type :

pacpl --to mp3 flv files name

Notes : 1.You must have mplayer installed and connected to internet to install pacpl..

Get all elements from JList

I’ve onced do not know how to get data from JList and save it into mysql table.
Then i look into Sun API,and then i found this code..It create a loop of the elements of the JList…


ListModel model=JList.getModel();
for (int i=0;i < model.getSize();i++)
* System.out.println(model.getElementAt(i));
String a=(String) model.getElementAt(i);


Hope it was usefull to all of us..Although maybe a lot of people already know this.. :-)

Using nokia 6120 c to connect internet within ubuntu intrepid

I once used ubuntu hardy,and then i want to connect to internet with my nokia 6120 as the modem.I found out in the internet that i should use the lsusb etc,then edit the wvdial.conf.But when i try the intrepid,i do not have to use those.Just plug the nokia using the cable data,the intrepid will automaticaly detect,i just have to choose the operator and edit the apn,username and the password..Hope it helps to you guys...